Privacy Policy

At our company, we prioritize the protection of your privacy. We acknowledge that privacy holds significant importance for you as well. This Privacy Policy outlines the measures we take to safeguard and utilize the information we collect through our Company websites (collectively referred to as "website or websites") and downloadable applications (collectively referred to as "app or apps") based in the United States. Please note that this Policy applies exclusively to the aforementioned websites and apps. When visiting other Company websites, we recommend reviewing their respective Privacy Policies. It is important to recognize that our website, apps, and this Privacy Policy are intended for a United States audience.

Upon accessing company apps and websites, you acknowledge and accept the stipulations outlined in the latest version of our Privacy Policy.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information refers to details that can be used to uniquely identify you, such as:

Name, address, unique personal identifier (e.g., device ID, online identifier), internet protocol address, email address, account name, for U.S. healthcare providers, a National Provider Identifier# (NPI) and/or a state license number, social security number, driver’s license number, or other similar identifiers, characteristics of protected classifications under state/federal law (e.g., age, race, sex, medical condition, etc.), medical information, health insurance information, financial information, including credit card numbers, biometric information (e.g., imagery of the iris, retina, fingerprint, face, or other data that contain identifying information), commercial information (e.g., purchase history), internet or other electronic network activity information (e.g., browsing history, interaction with our website, etc.), geolocation data, audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information (e.g., call recordings), professional, employment-related, or other similar information.

Throughout our website and apps, you have the potential to provide us with personal information about yourself. This may include electing to receive specific information or engaging in various activities. For instance, you may fill out registration forms, surveys, or email forms. Additionally, you can choose to receive educational materials related to our products and therapies.

Additionally, you may grant us permission to customize your visits to our website or apps. In this scenario, we'll ask for some personal information to enhance the usefulness of your website visits. When we combine this data with the information gathered through cookies (as described below), we can identify that you've visited our website or used our app before. This allows us to personalize your access by informing you about new features that might interest you, among other things.

Collecting Information

When you use our website or apps to read or download information, we may collect certain data about you from your device, including the domain name from which you access the internet, your IP address, browser and operating system types, the date and time of your visit or app use, and the referring website address.

Additionally, we may collect information about the pages you visit on our website or within our apps (note: U.S. healthcare providers should refer to the 'uses of personal information' section below), your search terms, clicked links, cookies, personally identifiable details, financial and payment information, authentication information, phonebook and contacts, device location, SMS and call-related data, a list of other apps on your device, microphone, camera, and other sensitive device or usage data.

Additionally, we may gather information via cookies, pixels, web beacons, and comparable technologies (collectively known as "cookies"). These work by storing a small file, such as a text file or graphic, in your computer's browser files when you visit our website. Cookies may be stored on your computer's hard drive. They serve various business purposes, including enabling essential website functions and optimizing user experience. While you have the option to decline cookies through your browser settings, doing so may affect the functionality of certain sections of our website or apps.

Company may employ third-party tracking and advertising service providers to act on our behalf. These providers can track and analyze your usage of our websites, collect and share website or app usage information with us, measure and research the effectiveness of our advertisements, and monitor page usage and paths taken during visits to our websites. Additionally, these third-party providers can place our Internet banner advertisements on other websites that you visit, tracking the usage of our advertisements and other links from our marketing partners' websites to ours. If the information gathered by these third parties on Company's behalf includes any personally identifiable data, we will safeguard it in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

We will not intentionally allow third parties other than those companies that we hire to perform services or functions on our behalf to place cookies on our website.

Please refer to your browser Help instructions to learn more about managing cookies. And see below for an explanation of our use of cookies as well as how to opt out of our use of cookies.

How Does the Company Keep and Use Personal Information?

From our website or apps, we may retain and utilize your personal information to grant you access to our services. Furthermore, your personal information may be kept and used for:

To respond to your requests, to personalize your access to our website or apps, for example, by telling you about new features that may be of interest to you, to develop records, including records of your personal information, to contact you with information that might be of interest to you, including information about clinical trials and about products and services of ours and of others, for analytical purposes and to research, develop and improve programs, products, services and content, for U.S. healthcare providers, to link your name, National Provider Identifier (NPI), state license number, and/or your IP address to web pages you visit or app you use, for compliance, marketing, and sales activities, to remove your personal identifiers (your name, e-mail address, etc. such that you could no longer be identified as a single unique individual. Once we have de-identified information, it is non-personal information and we may treat it like other non-personal information to enforce this Privacy Policy and other rules about your use of our website or apps), to protect someone's health, safety or welfare, to protect our rights or property and to comply with a law or regulation, court order or other legal process. 

Our apps utilize a privacy-focused framework to process personal information. This framework ensures that we can deliver the automated notifications associated with each app while maintaining the privacy and security of your data. Additionally, our apps are designed without advertisements, providing a distraction-free and streamlined user experience.

Does the Company Ever Share Information with Third Parties?

Your personal information collected from this website will not be shared with unrelated third parties without your consent, except as specified in our Privacy Policy.

During normal operations, we may share some personal information with companies we hire to provide services or functions on our behalf. For instance, when you order products from our website or apps, we may use vendors or suppliers to ship them to you. In these cases, we provide the vendor with information such as your name and mailing address to process your order. We do not authorize these third parties to retain, disclose, or use your information for purposes other than providing the requested services.

We may be required by law to disclose your personal information in response to a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or other legal processes.

We may cooperate with law enforcement to investigate and prosecute website visitors or app users who violate our rules or engage in harmful or illegal activities.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties if necessary to enforce our Privacy Policy, protect our rights or property, safeguard someone's health, safety, or welfare, fulfill obligations related to corporate transactions, or comply with laws, regulations, court orders, or other legal processes.

Additionally, we may keep, disclose, and use personal information consistent with FDA and other governmental guidelines, regulations, and laws, including HIPAA, where applicable, for research and development purposes.

Choices about Cookies and Opt-Out Options

U.S. visitors seeking additional information about third-party advertising cookies can browse and for insights on how to selectively opt out of certain cookies.

What Does the Company Do with Non-Personal Information?

We collect non-personal information that cannot identify or be associated with you. This information helps us improve our website and apps by creating reports for internal use, developing new programs, products, services, or content, and customizing the offerings that are relevant to you. We may also share or sell non-personal information or aggregate it to third parties. This includes providing aggregated information about our visitors' usage, such as traffic statistics and response rates.By using non-personal information in these ways, we aim to provide a more user-friendly and valuable experience for our visitors.

How Does the Company Protect My Account Information? (Only Applicable on Webpages or Apps Offering User Account Logins)

Some of our webpages and apps offer the option to create a user account and log in. The details provided in this section are relevant to those specific webpages and apps.:

Viewing/Editing Personal Information: You may change the information you have provided by logging into your account and editing the information. 

Personal Information Storage: The Company may store your personal data on servers located in various countries where it operates, including servers in the United States of America and internationally. Should you decide to terminate your account, copies of your information will be retained within our internal archives, systems, and databases, adhering to our established data retention policies. Throughout this process, we will continue to manage your personal information in accordance with the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Safeguarding Personal Information: Security is our utmost priority, and we employ various measures to ensure the protection and privacy of your personal information. Your active participation is crucial in maintaining the confidentiality of your data. Upon account creation, you are required to choose a unique and secure password. To prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, it's imperative that you refrain from disclosing your password to individuals with whom you wouldn't share your personal information.

To ensure the privacy of your personal information, our website and apps might log you out automatically after a period of inactivity and ask you to log in again. When you're finished using a website or app, always "log out" and close your browser to help maintain the confidentiality of your data.

Privacy on Other Web Sites

Our website and apps might feature links to external websites. While some of these websites could belong to our company, others may be operated by third parties. We offer these links for your ease of access, but we have no control over the privacy practices of these external websites. This Privacy Policy is exclusive to our website and apps.Please note that we are not accountable for the performance of external websites or apps, nor for your interactions with them. Therefore, upon leaving our website or apps, we highly recommend reviewing the privacy practices of each external website and assessing their adequacy.

Contact with Visitors

You may agree to receive periodic communications from us via email, mail, or telephone. This contact will provide information regarding programs, products, services, research, and content that may interest you.

Additionally, certain features on our website and app allow you to communicate with us through an online form. When you request a response from us, we may use the information you provide to respond. This response or confirmation may include personal information such as your name, address, health-related data, and other personal details. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that our emails will be immune to unauthorized interception.

Special Rules Regarding Children’s Privacy

Protecting the online privacy of children is of utmost importance to us. We intentionally refrain from collecting personal information, such as a child's name or email address, from individuals under the age of 13.

If you believe that we may have unknowingly collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, please reach out to us immediately. Your input will help us ensure the safety and privacy of our young users.

What About Security?

At our company, we prioritize the security of your personal information. We understand its importance to you and take proactive steps to safeguard it from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Additionally, we implement measures to protect against loss and misuse.

However, it's essential to note that no internet transmission can guarantee complete security or be entirely error-free. Emails sent to or from our website may not be secure, so we recommend exercising caution when deciding what information to share via email.

How to Contact Company

If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the Company contact information on the website or app.

Changes to Privacy Policy

In the event of a substantial modification to our Privacy Policy, a prominent notification will be displayed on the homepage of our website to ensure our users are promptly informed.